Digital distribution deals



Mount & Blade is currently free, and you can get a bunch of awesome strategy and adventure games at 75% off.


Starpoint Gemini 2 is currently free from Steam.


GOG’s big summer sale is up and they are also handing out a free bonus game if you buy anthing.



Framed is supposed to be really good. It was the only game on my iOS wishlist.



50 games on my wish list, lets see if I can put a dent in that.


Recent purchases:

Nex Machina
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Transformers: Devastation


I have 86 discounted games on my wishlist and I don’t feel like buying any of them. Steam sales aren’t what they used to be.


Picked up Halcyon 6 yesterday on a friend’s recommendation and I’m in loooooove. It’s like FTL + Fallout Shelter + Final Fantasy + Huniecam Studio.


Same, deleted a ton from my wishlist. Narrowed it down to 10 games.


That’s a weird screenshot.


What the…


That edit history is gold.

Seems odd that it would do that though.


Bought Dead Space and Dead Space 2 it was great


Jotun: Valhalla Edition is free for a limited time from GOG.


Got steam keys for Strider and DMC and Umbrella Corps if anyone’s interested

The first two at least i’ve played and they’re pretty good


The EU PSN Summer Sale is quite nice. Games like The Witness and Knack are very cheap.


Shadow Warrior: Special Edition is free from Humble Bundle. Act now!