Digital distribution deals


Race the Sun is free today. It’s pretty good.


There is a new awesome Warhammer Humble Bundle. Too bad it’s exclusive for Android.




Might and Magic, The Settlers, Prince of Persia, Far Cry and many other series are 66 to 75% off.



Deathwatch is currently on sale at half price for £2.29.

Don’t miss out!


no u





This week you can pick up a bunch of awesome Might & Magic games from the Humble Store for next to nothing.


…are they good? What sort of games are they? I’ve never played a M&M game before.


The main series are dungeon crawlers. The last entry, Might & Magic X: Legacy was one of my favorite games in 2013. The older games require that you have the patience to deal with old graphics and old interfacs.

Then you have the Heroes of Might & Magic series which is its own genre. You explore, improve your hero with gear and spells, raise armies to fight for you, manage cities, do turn-based strategic battles. Basically it is awesome.


Once again D&D classics are up to 80% off on GOG.


They might not be cheaper, but perhaps you want to grab something before it disappears forever.


Yeah but how many of those are worth playing? None.

Actually I would almost buy Silent Scope for $1 just so I could hear silent scope, but I watched a video and it didn’t even have that! Good riddance I say!


I mean I can go for a good Calm down! but come on.

silent scope


My tablet told me that Kingdom Rush: Origins is 66% off this weekend.



Oh, not on sale on steam