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This looks awesome.


They’ve only announced it for X360 so far, but it’ll probably head to PC and the rest later.


That’s a Platinum game.



(@chapel fix this forum’s issue with all caps)


This leaked. At the time, people weren’t certain if it was Platnium.


Is that gameplay?


WTF, I don’t even own a console. What did I say?


I’m really bummed about my gaf ban


Did they ever ban for legit reasons?


Not on this particular account :stuck_out_tongue:


My only ban was legit.

I do tend not to post in gaming, though. :slight_smile:


i have nothing for ya, sorry buddy


A Japanese RPG Primer: The Essential 20

I completed 15 of the entries and only 2 remain unplayed.


Glad to see Grandia make that list.


You have several excellent OPs in these new gaming threads, E3 @Das. I just wanted to thank you for your work. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I’d really love to contribute to those, Das! :S


Thanks bro.


The hero we deserve.


Batman Arkham Knight is gud then. Surprising that.


Have we learned nothing?


Sure have