Apple Announced Stuff Today


The 15 most important announcements from the Apple Watch, iPhone 6 event

A big iPhone, mobile payments, and a smartwatch – Apple has finally delivered on three of its most longstanding promises about the future of its mobile business. The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 is now accompanied by the 5.5-inch 6 Plus, and both models come with NFC and the “Apple Pay” tap-to-pay system. And the Apple Watch is ready to compete with Google’s Android Wear, with a range of customizable designs and a completely new interface.

Apple is definitely playing catch-up here—it’s adopting features that Google and others announced months or years ago. But this is also how the company has succeeded with products like the iPad: perfect the technology, and then bowl over the competition. We’ve sat through a string of boring Apple events, but this wasn’t one of them.

This is the first year that I have no desire to “platform hop” as I’ve done in the past. I think it’s because I finally found an Android device that I actually like.


I am an Android fanboy. I fully admit that.

The things shown off today just don’t feel like Apple and over the years I have become less impressed with what they do. It actually makes me sad, because I look to Apple as a driver for innovation, but they have been so reactionary over the last few years. I am not sure if they can dig themselves out of the hole they’ve made, even though it is a hole in a mountain. :stuck_out_tongue:

The watch I feel is very counter to any Apple design we’ve seen in the past, added with the price, I feel that while it will sell well, it won’t define the market like the iPhone has in the past.


Everything about that announcement was reactionary. Watch, display, specs. I’m not as much an Android fanboy, but it’s clear that Apple is stagnant with their innovation, like you say. Nothing at all compels me to switch again. I’m happy where I am. :slight_smile:


I will most likely get a space grey iPhone 6. The hardware is not very exciting. I’m getting it because of the better software support and I need something to test game prototypes on. I signed up for a developer account a while back and I’ve been learning more about mobile development.


Going to use Swift? Let me know how that goes.


Swift is a lot nicer than Objective-C. I’ve already learned the basics and now I need to put my skills into practice. The next step is to go through a tutorial for making a match three puzzle. Then I’m going to try to make a few simple programs from scratch without following a tutorial.


I thought the iPad was the dumbest shit when it came out and look how that did. The design and form of the apple watch is what really gets me excited. But I still don’t get people who say Apple have “lost their way” and are disappointed by this.

Instead of this, what’s the device or product that’d you announce instead? Or how is what they’re doing now any different than what they were doing before.


A cheap laptop.

Seriously. Something not built or specced the greatest. And make it priced in the $4-500 range.


Their laptops will always be in the $1k range. Nothing they make is really “affordable” by any means, and they try to exude “premium”.

The watches further prove that out, with solid gold watches…


I’m not saying they will. I’m just saying I think they should. It’s what I would like to see them do next.


Smartwatches aren’t going to catch on. Who cares if it’s a companion piece to your smartphone? Everything the smartwatch does your smartphone does already, so it’s pointless to wear on your wrist. I think Apple is going to lose on that front.

I’ve been thinking about buying either a tablet or a laptop. I’m leaning towards the former. I’d like to use a device for reading novels, comics, and manga, but I’d also like to use it for web browsing when I’m away from my desktop. I don’t know if I should go with an iPad or a Kindle. Hmm.