Blur announced first new album in 12 years: The Magic Whip


The new album releases on April 27. Go Out sounds awesome. The music video for it is odd. I miss alternative rock 90s.

Album Cover

Track List


@leo I cleaned up the title a bit.

This will always be what I think of from Blur As I expect it is for most people

Honestly, from the single, it sounds like they haven’t really changed in 12 years.


Thanks for the title edit. I made it too wordy.

I didn’t listen to Blur in the 90s or 00s, but I can tell you I really hate Song 2 whenever I hear it from somewhere. It’s not an appealing song.

I like this one.


With all these 90s rock band reunions and revivals, who wants to start taking bets that Nirvana is coming back with Dave Grohl as the lead singer? All he has to do is make it sound grimy and dark as fuck. :slight_smile:


Dudes, right? How great is this!


Fun Fact: This was one of the first songs I’d ever heard as a child growing up on the internet. Before Napster, even,