Cool/Exciting/Interesting things (probably videos)



The size of solar systems

As of last month, 685 multi-planet solar systems (with 1705 planets) have been discovered outside our own. This video shows the relative sizes of those systems compared to ours. Note: The size of the orbits are all to scale, but the size of the planets are not. For example, Jupiter is actually 11x larger than Earth, but that scale makes Earth-size planets almost invisible.


The winner of the 2015 Small World in Motion competition is Wim van Egmond’s video of a single-celled organism consuming a smaller single-celled organism.



A good guy with a gun







Holy shit


Xmas Final card, Paul Belford


I ended up watching this through related. Now it is reaction to reaction, but I still found it interesting.


i think that’s the one


weird thing is my mom’s called philomena too


ah sheet, it’s a talk about the size of web pages and the influence of advertisement in development malpractices



Two Saturnian moons, lined up.

The Cassini spacecraft took a photo of two moons of Saturn, Tethys and Enceladus, beautifully aligned with each other.


When your Instagram has 8 million followers and you turn on push notifications



A video exploring Stanley Kubrick’s use of color in his films.