Diablo IV



Sadly sounds like 2021.


I’m attuned to waiting for long releases. Unless it’s Gran Turismo, then I’m fucked.


I’m cautiously excited. D3 was a step in the wrong direction and I hope they’ll revise more than the art style.


Is this the best trailer you’ve ever seen? Or is this the best trailer you ever saw?


It’s been four years lads can you believe it?


I like it, personally.


I had no hype for this, but now I sort of want to play it when everyone else is gushing about it.

But then again I also want to play Final Fantasy XVI and the new Zelda.

Let’s see how I feel after I’ve finished Final Fantasy V. I’m replaying the pixel remaster version and with 4x experience/money I might actually reach the end.


Haven’t heard any negativity about this game. That’s a good sign of things to come. I’m guessing that everyone is busy playing it.


I ended up getting FFXVI instead.

D3 was a disappointment and I expect D4 to be more of the same. I’ll probably play it eventually, but in the next few months I’ll be busy with other more exciting games.


That’s just a bag of generic dicks. Square Enix is well and truly lost.