E3 2016


Leo is the kind of guy who just stands by the wall at a party just leering.


All I care about Ubi is Assassinā€™s Creed, tbh.


Project Scorpio isnā€™t coming until Holiday 2017, so not at the same time. It will be multiple times more powerful than the current Xbox One.

They appear to be making their Xbox games standardized with Windows 10, such that the same game can be played on a PC or any version of the Xbox One. So games should scale up or down as needed. Though it is still up to the game developers to make the games work as well as possible on each hardware platform, which sucks for them.

Less PC model and more mobile phones model. Where hardware can change, but OS stays primarily the same. Games for the foreseeable future will be compatible with each hardware platform.

I think it would be awesome if Sony and MS divorced their hardware from software, meaning games could be played on the older to newer hardware. BC wouldnā€™t be an issue since games would just work. Though there will be a point that newer games stop working on older hardware, but that isnā€™t a bad thing, just a reality.

Means we can ignore generations, and have a more fluid and ever evolving game system. The differences hardware wise between PS4 and Xbox One are minor, in the sense of how games are coded against the hardware, which means as they have become more PC-like in the hardware, there is less value in years of fine tuning micro-optimizations on each hardware platform.


I kinda wish e3 would end just so i could stop putting myself through these conferences. I like participating in this kind of cultural ritual but this PR talk, horribly inadequate demos, and generally very poor displays of videogame good things seen through the lens of corporate interests is wearing me down. At least Sony these recent years has tended to be a lot more relaxed and without contractually ordained masturbatory scripts.


Thatā€™s basically how I feel as well.


If you donā€™t like it~

Stop watching~

No oneā€™s forcing you to~


Iā€™d say just wait for the videos and post announcement posts. Much easier to digest with less PR BS.

Though the memes are great.



I watch it mostly because of Giantbomb and their stuff. Though even they seem mostly in disbelief and worn out of it.


If it wasnā€™t for Giant Bomb live streaming these, I most likely wouldnā€™t, and would do as @chapel said, but their jokes make them entertaining to sit through. That doesnā€™t mean I am negative about everything, but Iā€™m generally not a fan of most Ubisoft games. Other than Assassinā€™s Creed, Child of Light was nice.


Here we go, the last press conference. Supposed to be at the top of the hour but they donā€™t usually start on time. TAKE US HOME SONY!


I couldnā€™t help but notice that Brad Shoemaker lost some weight since last E3.


You got your Witcher in my God of War.


Sony: GAMES GAMES GAMES ainā€™t no time to talk, fuck off kindly


Horizon looks a little more interesting now. I still donā€™t know but perhapsā€¦


I love David Cage games. Like no joke.


This isnā€™t mass effect, is it? That gun looks like a mass effect gun.


Chocobo Theme EDM ver.


I didnā€™t recognize that music right away. Wow.

A new Crash huh.


No way.

Crash Bandicoot Remastered 1, 2 and Warped coming to PS4.


The whole thing is a TV!