NeoGaf: E3 2017 Summary Thread
E3 2017 [OP updated]
Final Fantasy 16 and The Elder Scrolls 6 will be announced. A new Final Fantasy 7 remake trailer will be shown. Uh, that’s all I got for now.
Microsoft will focus on the Scorpio. There will be no exclusives for it, but plenty of enhanced versions of multiplatform titles.
Nintendo will announce a handful of new games scheduled for 2018.
Sony will announce sequels to popular franchises like The Last of Us 2 and Bloodborne 2. There will be almost no new Vita or VR content this year.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Maybe they’ll focus on already announced games like that, God of War and Days Gone.
The only thing I care about is Bethesda. I don’t expect them to announce a new main-line Elder Scrolls, though. The one thing I’m hoping for is a Fallout/Elder Scrolls game by an outside developer (Like New Vegas was).
I still haven’t touched Fallout 4 and I never got far into New Vegas. Unless they announce a new single player Elder Scrolls game I probably won’t care.