E3 2017 [OP updated]


NeoGaf: E3 2017 Summary Thread



Hentai goes mainstream.


Final Fantasy 16 and The Elder Scrolls 6 will be announced. A new Final Fantasy 7 remake trailer will be shown. Uh, that’s all I got for now.


The Last Guardian will finally have a solid release date. This is the year, folks.


Microsoft will focus on the Scorpio. There will be no exclusives for it, but plenty of enhanced versions of multiplatform titles.

Nintendo will announce a handful of new games scheduled for 2018.

Sony will announce sequels to popular franchises like The Last of Us 2 and Bloodborne 2. There will be almost no new Vita or VR content this year.


TLoU2 was announced last year. It’s called The Last of Us Part 2.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Maybe they’ll focus on already announced games like that, God of War and Days Gone.


The only thing I care about is Bethesda. I don’t expect them to announce a new main-line Elder Scrolls, though. The one thing I’m hoping for is a Fallout/Elder Scrolls game by an outside developer (Like New Vegas was).


I still haven’t touched Fallout 4 and I never got far into New Vegas. Unless they announce a new single player Elder Scrolls game I probably won’t care.


my eyes are gonna roll into the back of my skull if i see minecraft bullshit in anything


I… completely forgot it started today


A Way Out looks fucking rad


wheres the giant robots and body horror wack


Watching these press conferences on Giant Bomb is so enjoyable. Anthem looked cool.


How did Anthem look cool?


30 minutes away


Ya’ll, help these fools. They don’t know how to name their consoles.


Native 4k and 60fps is pretty nice if they aren’t bullshitting.


space dwarvessssssssss


DBZ looks so good.