Final Madmax Trailer (Movie of the Year 2015)



Twisted Metal meets The Time Machine and Waterworld (without the water).

Movie of the year will go to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


Oh, so that’s the story. Looks delicious.


Why is it necessary to describe every piece of media in terms of other media?


Because reasons.


It’s not as though doing that is particularly wrong or deceiving. It’s basically the non academic version of delineating specific aesthetics.

Waterworld without the water is actually a good descriptor.


Admittedly, it’s lazy. Okay I’ll put some effort into it.

It definitely gets the post-apocalyptic steam punk theme down, and everyone in the movie have become deranged from the anarchy and chaos of the breakdown of a civilized society. The Twisted Metal comparison rings true because there is vehicle combat. Waterworld because of the steam punk theme. I mentioned Time Machine only because those pale-skinned, hairless people reminded me of the underground race from Time Machine.