Giant Bomb Endurance Run returns with Shenmue


In a surprise announcement at PAX during a Giant Bomb show — and there must have been over a thousand people in the crowd — Shenmue and Shenmue II Endurance Runs were announced. Vinny Caravella, Dan Ryckert and Alex Navarro will be sitting in to play/commentate Shenmue.


I really hope we get remastered versions of Shenmue 1 & 2. I’ve always wanted to play them.


Oh. I was watching that and I guess I must’ve missed them saying they were doing II too.


Jeff said something along the lines of “I guess they’ll have to play Shenmue II as well.” It was more of a hint than an announcement.

I would love remastered versions on PS4. They are games that should be played at least once. Some people don’t understand that the entire point of Shenmue is to explore villages/cities and interact with people/items. Fighting isn’t emphasized. It’s fine not to find that sort of game fun. Certainly not for everyone.


Me too.


When you remember episodes come out every weekday and there’s a new episode.


When Vinny is trying to do a 180 degrees turn when moving Ryo.



That entire sequence was fucking hilarious.

Get caught by the night guards the first time and Ryo says he’ll try again tomorrow


The homeless man continuing to give out help after more failed attempts was also great.

“He underlines the 8 [next time]”


I finally know what to say if anyone ever asks me if they should play Shemue.


A lot of what makes up Shenmue is quite dated, but there is still an aspect to it that is still enticing to this day, and that being the life simulation aspect. Although, I acknowledge that it is a double edged sword; there is reason to loathe it for having to agonize yourself into putting up with all the idle time that the game forces you to wait through, but by that same token, it forces you to go out into the world and mingle with the community, exploring town and entering restaurants. Shenmue II is a significant improvement over the first game, as it has been stated. I like the story and I’m looking forward to playing Shenmue III, as I want to learn more about Shenhua. Exploring the rural region of China will also be interesting.

Vinny, Alex and Dan must do a Shenmue II endurance run. They simply must. I want them to do Shenmue III as well, once it’s out.