Hearthstone thread of stoning hearths


Are people still playing this? I haven’t touched it since I completed the single player expansion, but I look forward to playing it again once we get a new set of cards.

Blizzard has announced plans to nerf two of Hearthstone’s most popular cards in an upcoming patch.

The neutral legendary card Leeroy Jenkins and the class-specific Hunter card Starving Buzzard will both be adjusted on 22nd September, the company said in a post on the Battle.net forums.

Leeroy Jenkins can charge at opponents as soon as it is played, dealing six damage, and thanks to its relatively low mana cost it has become extremely common as a finishing move, often in combination with cards that increase its attack power considerably, return it to the player’s hand in the same turn or duplicate its presence on the board for a second hit.

In theory its low-cost/high-attack combo is mitigated because it summons a pair of small minions for the opponent when it is played, but in practice this rarely helps the other player, who seldom survives long enough to make any use of them.

Blizzard is changing Leeroy’s cost from four to five mana, which the developer believes will make it harder to deliver upwards of 20 damage in a single turn.

Starving Buzzard is a different kind of card - a low-cost, low-power card that delivers most of its value by allowing the Hunter to draw cards. The revised Starving Buzzard will go up from a two mana cost to five, which sounds like a massive drop in value on the face of it, although it will now have three attack and two health (up one point each).



I had no idea this was a thing. Why bother when you can’t make real money from the game?


I kind of fell off after the first Naxx wing.


I beat all of Naxx. I haven’t finished Heroic modes, but plan to eventually.

I enjoy it still, but don’t play it as often.


Same here. The heroic challenges are really tough and I was planning to go through them once I have better cards.


I was pretty into it for a good minute, but I haven’t played it in a while. I did just download the update yesterday so maybe in a minute I’ll boot it up and give it a go. I still haven’t assembled a good deck though - one deck will score me a win my first match it seems but then after that I get demolished. Then again I don’t have very many powerful cards.


What was in the update? Any new content or just minor balance changes?


It’s fun to watch a couple of idiots play sometimes.


I think a couple of cards got nerfed.


Yep, hunter cards got nerfed again. Blizzard slow to admit that hunter decks are OP.


The standard hunter deck was pretty boring to play against so that’s a welcome change.


It’d be nice if they could do something about zoo and handlock.


It’s not specifically an aggro deck (it was only a turn 9 win, after all) but sometimes you just smell blood in the water.


Games in Asia | China’s made a real-life Hearthstone set (and now we know why Blizzard hasn’t)


Speaking to Polygon, Hearthstone production director Jason Chayes revealed some early details on what’s coming next.

Polygon | Hearthstone’s next add-on will be a full expansion with over 100 new cards


I’d like to see Death Knight and Monk added someday.


I counter-spelled his mortal coil. I read that move coming and I guess he rage quit?


yup, I still play. watup nick, we should play again.

I dusted my hard earned Leeroy. Don’t know what to make with him now.


I guess it’s a good think I never got a Leeroy for my rogue deck.

Decided to switch it up and play some priest. I stole that golden Ysera. The plan: bait out their two polymorphs so that it could be played unmolested. It worked!


ah from thoughtsteal?