Set 22 years after the terrifying and tragic events of the original Jurassic Park. It comes out on June 12th, 2015.
Jurassic World
Jurassic World sounds like a Disney World ride. Terrible title. I have little faith that this is going to be good.
If Jurassic World were a real theme park I would shell out for some tickets and a plane ride immediately. I would even make movie jokes along the way. And as I gotten eaten by a T-Rex I would shout, “Worth it!”
What if Chris Pratt character Owen was secretly Tim, the boy from the original Jurassic Park. I think that would be a really cool twist.
Admittedly, I haven’t read the plot, but I’m not interested in the movie because at some point, the franchise was becoming stale, and I don’t know if a new movie made with today’s technology will impress me. I guess it depends on how high its budget is.
Edit: …uhhhhhh.
Hype lost. I do like the piano bit at the end, though.
They captured the magic of the first movie in making you say “wow, i wish there was a real jurrasic park” and that wonder of seeing dinosaurs. And the horror of the first movie in making you say, “wow, while it was amazing to see, this was a really, really bad idea. Must go faster!”