Jurassic World


Set 22 years after the terrifying and tragic events of the original Jurassic Park. It comes out on June 12th, 2015.


Jurassic World sounds like a Disney World ride. Terrible title. I have little faith that this is going to be good.


Super hyped for this. The nostalgic music makes this teaser chilling and exciting.


…you should read the synopsis of the movie.


Why should he? It sounds like a disney world ride so it must be bad.


If Jurassic World were a real theme park I would shell out for some tickets and a plane ride immediately. I would even make movie jokes along the way. And as I gotten eaten by a T-Rex I would shout, “Worth it!”


I hope no one dies this time :fish:


They won’t. Doubt they’d get it wrong a fourth time.


What if Chris Pratt character Owen was secretly Tim, the boy from the original Jurassic Park. I think that would be a really cool twist.


What if he was openly Tim? Outrageous.


Admittedly, I haven’t read the plot, but I’m not interested in the movie because at some point, the franchise was becoming stale, and I don’t know if a new movie made with today’s technology will impress me. I guess it depends on how high its budget is.



Edit: …uhhhhhh.

Hype lost. I do like the piano bit at the end, though.


The shark-feasting scene was cool. Everything else, meh.


They captured the magic of the first movie in making you say “wow, i wish there was a real jurrasic park” and that wonder of seeing dinosaurs. And the horror of the first movie in making you say, “wow, while it was amazing to see, this was a really, really bad idea. Must go faster!”


Welp, so much for every dinosaur being an antagonist.


I don’t know


Johnny Karate: Raptor Meister


so it’s a planet of the jurassic dinosaurs prequel


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