Not-yet-released games hype thread






Red Faction Guerrilla ReMARStered coming to PS4, XB1, PC (Q2 2018)







Ooohhh, I hope this game is good!! Itā€™s really gonna come down to the story. Theyā€™re really hyping up the branching storyline which has me excited. I want a decision-based game where my decisions actually have consequences.

Also I hope my office is still there in the year 20XX


Iā€™ve been 1000% less excited now that itā€™s come out that heā€™s a horrible misogynist in the office and that he makes people call him ā€œSun godā€


Iā€™m trying to imagine a world in which I could type out a post about hoping a David Cage game will have a good story/writing with a straight face and I canā€™t do it.


His last few games have been great. I havenā€™t watched any recent Detroit trailers but Iā€™ll definitely pick it up this summer. Iā€™m sure this too will have flaws but it wonā€™t stop it from being enjoyable.


I thought Heavy Rain and Beyond were fun games, the story was engaging enough. Donā€™t really care what David Cage likes to be called as long as he can make me a good ass game.




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