Livestream in 3 hours.
Playstation Experience 2016
The new Uncharted looks great.
I’ll probably pick up the WipEout collection, even though I would rather have something new to play.
Wow, I didn’t start watching live but after reading twitter, I knew I had to start paying attention.
I can’t believe this, it’s almost like it’s E3 again.
Ace Combat 7 trailer looked alright. I fear I won’t be truly excited until I play it to see if it’s actually good or not. It at least looks like it’s worthy of being a numbered title.
Akuma looks pretty sick. I’m looking forward to trying him out.
I’m all over the Yakuza 1 remake. Surprised it’s coming.
Waooooo, Windjammers. What an awesome get.
I guess they’re gonna have to define that ending. Does she believe him? Does she care?
I’m disappointed that a new Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer wasn’t shown, and now that I think about it, a new Shenmue III trailer as well. Knack 2 announcement was odd. The memes aided it into existence. I enjoyed my time with it, but I never thought to myself “yes, I’d love to play a sequel to this game.” I had a feeling a Last of Us sequel was down the pipeline; it was not a question of if, but when. No interest in that new Uncharted game. Now they are just milking it. Although, I was done with Uncharted by the second game, even though I beat Uncharted 3 as well. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy… eh, ok? Sure. Original Crash was fun, but again, I don’t feel that it has to be brought back.
PSX wasn’t the place to get excited about FF7. People who got hyped up about a possible trailer are stupid. E3 or TGS, those are the only venues to even talk about hoping to see a trailer.
I’ve played through Knack twice and I really look forward to a sequel. It could easily become a great game with only a few minor changes.
The Uncharted games are always fun and I’ll play it at some point.
I never liked the Crash Bandicoot games.
Love the Crash Bandicoot games. The way the worlds are set up and the exploration factor is great. Also the replayability is through the roof with the crystals and gem mechanic they add. Also getting new powers at the end of a boss helps with going back to older levels and getting all the gems.
P.S. Crash Team Racing needs a remaster.
The crash games look like remakes more than remastered versions? That’s pretty impressive. Are we getting all 3 games without any cuts?