Portraits of Russian Youth Who Embrace Cosplay Culture
Since 2012, Kozhanova has been tracking down and documenting these dedicated cosplayers with stunning results. While these men and women have regular jobs and lead generally normal lives, this act of make believe is what they choose to do in their spare time. Kozhanova explains that this generation of Russians was born during the collapse of the Soviet Union, a time when well organized society and established identity fell apart. This led to a lack of a formed identity from the beginning of their young lives, many of whom started to borrow from different cultures. A popular point of reference was the bright, sensational and superficial world of Japanese pop culture.
DECLARED DETACHMENT (2012 - present)
The series “Declared Detachment” represents a generation of Russians which was born in times when well organized society and established identity fell apart. All myths and believes that was the driving force for generations before were destroyed. Children came into our time absolutely ideologically naked.
Now a lack of base and missing of foundation in society opened them a life which they could not trust. Forces for creating their own identity
from the beginning were missing. In this moment, their society could not offer them any deserved faith, ideals or any other meaning. This Young
Generation of Russians started to borrow it from totally different cultures.
Some of them declared their way through Japanese mass-culture of “cosplay” where in a simple, catchy, bright, spectacular, superficial
world of anime heroes with attractive idols and colorful looks you could become any of those figures yourself. This generation escaped into a
different ideology and tried to build their illusive world on the ruins of the past. But are their believes true enough for a new establishment
or just a temporary detachment from troubles and imperfections of everyday’s life?
more pictures on those links too
i quite like it