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don’t forget agdq is happening



Eurogamer | The 50 most exciting games of 2016

This is going to be a fantastic year for gaming.


This is a bit old but it struck as funny to see a link about this on CNN.


stop trying to make lightning happen
its not gonna happen


Lightning is a naturally occurring phenomenon. You can’t stop it.



my wiimote is dead, fuck

and the stupid thing has triangle screws, can’t even check what’s wrong inside




The ending of that Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem game.

I don’t even…


New footage of Starfox Zero. I love the music. :o


Yesterday’s leaked trailer is now official, and in English. I had some trouble following the plot in Italian.


I played a ton of NBA Jam. That theme is not memorable at all. I will tell you the things that are:

  1. big heads
  2. turbo shoes
  3. the announcer
  4. flames
  5. the dunks


The Witness is releasing on 26 January on PS4 and PC.


If you haven’t played this yet you really should.


Still no price for The Witness. I’ll likely buy it day one if it’s priced right.


Pokken Tournament is coming in March. Is anyone looking forward to it?


Nope. I’m neither a fan of Pokémon or Tekken.


Square-Enix is giving away Omikron: The Nomad Soul in honor of Bowie’s passing. The code is omikron. Activates on Steam.



Square has to be stopped. Now it has gone too far.


How is this real? No.