Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


What’s going on with you?


oh is that who it is


I love patch notes too. :slight_smile:


patch note porn oh yes yes


Isn’t the dust itself poisonous to human life?


nah, do all the dust you can man. go to the dust palace.


naw that’s interstellar

where mankind is nearly extinguished because we can’t think of other ways to produce food other than to grow shit in fields

and dust causes cancer


I knew I wasn’t cray cray!


Interstellar is good, btw. Go see it.


I know, it’s one of the best movies i’ve seen in recent years. it’s still silly.


My initial thought was “eat insects!” but they need vegetation to consume too. Maybe some kind of fortified algae? >->


nuts & berries
yoghurt (made with human milk if all the cows died)


So nice to have a faster internet connection again, 30 MB/s down. :thumbsup:


just found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxGHAwmW4zw

why aren’t real girls like her!?!?




That probably deserves its own thread, Das. :slight_smile:


I can’t be bothered at the moment.


We don’t know that much yet. Wait for deets


Can’t wait. Finally new Aston. Great car for Bond.


but do we really care about bond though


I still haven’t watched Quantum of Solace or Skyfall.