Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


[quote=“archnemesis, post:1889, topic:87”]
Hopefully it will play nice with Linux.
[/quote]Installing Linux went really smooth and all the hardware is working as intended. The only issue that I’ve noticed is that the wifi connection breaks when the system goes to sleep. I changed the power settings as a quick fix.


2 year anni with my partner today :smile:


Are you doing anything special to celebrate it?


Salon and the biggest and best cheeseburgers in town! :heart_eyes:


how about a big salad instead?


Salad would hold me all of 15 minutes.


Wat! Where have you been?

How’s it going? Still in SF?


bless up


srsly wenis this girl has an appetite she needs the feast


Yea still in SF, surviving. I’m cool.


Good to hear. I work in SOMA now. Fucking hell of a commute from San Jose. :cry:

Last two days, @Chimera and I went up to the East Bay to look for houses to rent. Found some nice ones and applied. Looking to have a BART commute less than an hour, where as now I am around 2 hours one way.

What are you working on?




Put that man in a suit and give him a horror movie.


Somebody didn’t go to bed after the Ambien.


Fuck me


math makes me feel so dumb

this defeatism is eating at my soul








only numbers I can stand are the ones hidden inside of letters and alphagettis