Loads of new Scorpio news today.
That’s a good one.
Can’t say it was a flop, only if you’d consider the PS3 a flop of its generation.
Regardless, I think this is good for the future of console games, and even PC games because if they do what they claim and push 4k native as the baseline games and hardware beyond consoles will need to further evolve to support it.
I like the premise of the same benefits regardless of screen you’re running, meaning 4k or 4k supersampled down to 1080p. A healthy default is good.
But I’m biased, so really going to wait until we have more info and since I primarily play on PC I’m not as concerned either way.
This is much, much better than the Pro on pretty much all levels.
Exclusive games remain a problem.
If Microsoft goes on stage at this year’s E3 and shows us a new Halo and whichever new installment to a familiar Xbox game series, then they’ll have failed in attracting people to Scorpio. They can’t merely rely on Halo, Gears of War, and Crackdown. They need fresh IP’s, both first party and third party. There’s no denying that the Scorpio is a technical powerhouse for a console, but new and interesting games sell a console, not the console itself alone.