The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3 announced


Production is underway on The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, Falcom announced during a general meeting of stockholders today. It will have improved graphics compared to previous entries.

The first entry in the series is due out in North America next Tuesday, December 22, and in Europe on January 29. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II is due out in western territories sometime next year.


There are so many entries in this series that I haven’t touched and I probably never will have time to either.


Understandable. I’ve beaten Legend of Heroes 1-3: Gagharv Trilogy, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, and I’m in the middle of playing Trails in the Sky SC. I hope XSEED will bring over TC. If they can’t commit to Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki, then that’s fine. I had imported them a long time ago, and there are fan translations out there for those installments, so I can always rely on those. At least XSEED is going full speed on localizing the Trails of Cold Steel series.


Yup. Looks like a generic anime game all right.


Yeah, the character designs have always been generic anime characters, but there have been some good ones. Legend of Heroes’ strong suit isn’t its graphics or character designs, though. The writing, character dialogue, and story are the pros of every Legend of Heroes game. The Trails of Cold Steel series takes place in the Empire, which is located in another country. All of the party members are military academy students, similar to Final Fantasy Type-0.

@MidnightTrain, you should give Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky a try. It’s available on Steam, as is Second Chapter. It captures the same charm and atmosphere as some of the classic JRPGs from the Golden era, like Chrono Trigger and Xenogears.


Good news I suppose. I’m kinda surprised there is a third Cold Steel already.