The Top/Best X of 2014


Put your favorite end of the year lists for 2014 here.

Art of the Title - Top 10 Title Sequences of 2014

A few weeks ago, Vulture published its list of the 10 Best TV Opening Credits of 2014. While it was fantastic to see a year-end list celebrating title design, the top 10 not only mentioned quite a number of titles it needn’t have, but it also neglected to credit the designers and studios behind the work. Vulture are remiss in so doing. Title sequences do not exist in a vacuum. They are not conjured out of thin air. There is no excuse to leave the creators of these sequences uncredited. Particularly in light of… well, this website.

It’s high time we set the record straight. For our list of the top 10 title sequences released in 2014, Art of the Title’s editors chose from among film, television, video games, conferences, and whatever category Too Many Cooks fits into. The top 10 were chosen based on criteria such as originality and innovation, impact, atmosphere, relevance to subject matter, and technique. Paring the list down to just 10 was a surprisingly difficult task, but we believe these sequences represent some of the most interesting and innovative work to hit screens this year.

A damned perfect list. :slight_smile: