lol, I’m at a theater using their wifi and they blocked neogaf
Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind
I made a little extra money doing some computer repair work. I got excited and bought and downloaded MGSV with the plan of depositing the $75 I made tomorrow.
Went downstairs and explained the situation to my wife. I told her about the extra money we made and that it was going to be cool. She immediately looked worried and I realized I made a huge mistake. One of the things we promised when we got a joint account was to discuss larger purchases before we make them.
I fucked up.
She began to discuss the money situation and reminded me of a few nagging bills and such that I hadn’t considered. What was once extra money turned into a stop gap for the red.
I opened a refund ticket with Steam.
Sucks. The game didn’t have a chance to finish downloading. But it was the right decision. Sucky, but right.
had no idea you were married 180 late congrats and at least you could nip it in the bud and talked!
Yeah bills are hard, especially when you have to manage budgets and shit with a partner.
In other news, I’m in Denver! Vacation time for meeeeeeeeee
Funny ancedote about our marriage. A month before the date, we discussed with the court about setting a date to have the justice of the peace marry us. The clerk told us that it wasn’t necessary because the justices were always available and we could hop in at anytime.
Flash forward to a month later. Gay marriage was made legal and the justices here in Mississippi didn’t take too likely to that. We find out the day before we were to be married that the justices were not giving out marriages anymore. To anyone. I was so angry and frustrated, but thankfully Katie was clearer headed and had a minister in mind to marry us.
It was so amazingly small and a beautiful ceremony. Being atheist, I had my misgivings having our wedding at a church, but it was non denominational and our minister focused our vows on the journey we were sharing.
I adored it. She and I both were so happy how everything came together.
Things like this happen. It isn’t the end of the world, and as long as you both are willing to talk and compromise on things as they need to be, it will always work out. It is a bit cliche, but communication is the most important part of any relationship, and even if you forget to communicate something before you do it (e.g. ask forgiveness after) as long as you are able to talk about it after and make changes as needed then you have a successful relationship.
Also, since it sounds like you didn’t have a joint bank account before getting married, it is definitely a new thing to learn. Being single, or even in a relationship but with your own accounts, you get used to having control over your money, so having someone else have access and even sharing it makes it much harder. Now your concerns are hers, and hers are yours. Sounds like she is more of the financial rock, which is great to be honest. Make sure she knows you appreciate her being responsible and that you might not always be on top of things. So long as she is looking out and you both don’t blow issues out of proportion, things will be great.
As far as your specific situation here, I have been in that boat a few times. Money is a constant issue for myself, and quite frankly @Chimera and I are not good with money. We are clawing our way out of our paycheck to paycheck existence, but it isn’t easy.
Keep in mind when budgeting for some money to pay for “fun” stuff. Even if you have very little money, if you can afford to, save a bit to go out or play a game every month. It will be worth it in the long run, otherwise you may end up going overboard one time setting yourself further back than if you had planned for it and used it regularly.
I recommend picking up All Your Worth, which is a book that goes over how to get on good standing financially and it happens to be written by Elizabeth Warren and her daughter. @Chimera and I have gone through it once, but need to go through it again and make sure we are following our stricter budget. With the new job, it is a great time to refocus our energies there.
I am glad to hear things are going great, congrats are in order again!
Thanks for the congrats, Chap. And your advice is awesome. I’m tempted to share it with her.
i guess i’ll stick with the x100, i’d rather wait and buy something different like a canonet or an electro 35, something faster to use
I upgraded to iOS 9 and apparently they changed one of the fonts. I haven’t noticed any other important changes.
Edit: I read the release notes and the new app features are pointless for my uses. Improved battery life, performance and smaller updates are all welcome improvements though.
I upgraded last night. I haven’t seen any noticeable changes. Improved battery life is very good.