Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


i’m gaf friends with one of the mods, the ones who talk with users are cool

that reddit thread is a riot


what’s the big deal? I have a GAF account, but I never go there because it’s a shit hole.

then again, I think reddit’s a shit hole too, yet it remains exceedingly popular.


nice avy


Reddit’s functions and userbase make it the perfect tantrum generator.


Still the best place for news and shit. They are on TOP of it.


I still go to GAF and I still go to Reddit.

I do not engage in posting to either as much as I used to.


I post a lot in the reddit VR subs


Reddit is okay. Has some crazy subreddits tho.


i still don’t even know how to use reddit


thanks, I made it ages ago when madoka was airing and then never used it


Today, in Before Sleep:

thinking about what a religion would look like in the far future when galaxies are too far apart to see each other, and how a religion could be about the origins of the galaxy instead of the origins of the earth


pls no stealing idea for own profit



Legendary gif

Also, Lady Gaga is a fucking crazy person.


The economist John Maynard Keynes predicted a society so prosperous that people would hardly have to work. But that isn’t exactly how things have played out.

The Atlantic | Why Do Americans Work So Much?


Call of Duty: Mexican Warfare

Remarkable footage.


those are some guns holy shit


Best thread ever.


obama speech was p good

hopes and dreams also america fuck ya


Jakarta blasts: Explosions and gunfire in Indonesian capital - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-35309195