Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


Well its coming in October, so close! Just glad to know there is more coming.


Yeah, what happened with him?

And Leo as well for that matter


I havenā€™t gone anywhere. :stuck_out_tongue:


We are all here.
We donā€™t leave.


the greater good


Glad to see you again man!

How are things going?


hands out blankets and kittens for our prodigal sons


lol, fuck john tho, amirite?


Hey guy

Thatā€™s my buddy your sassin there

you better stop that




I mean Iā€™m glad jibs is still alive and all


today i learned the words floccinaucinihilipilification and pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis which are both real


I am very glad I am alive. And you guys, too.


split this topic #1660

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Not-yet-released movies hype thread


Just had a tooth extracted a few hours ago. Still very numb.

I had a filling in the tooth that partially fell out and caused a larger cavity. I havenā€™t really had dental for years and finally went to get it taken care of. The cavity was right at the root, so they couldnā€™t refill it, so it was either a root canal or extract it. For cost and pragmatic reason I just had it extracted.


I just figured out WYL lets you link images directly from your Dropbox. Pretty convenient.


On Finding Your Purpose: An Extraordinary Letter by Hunter S. Thompson


Man, Iā€™ve never had a single problem with my teeth. I donā€™t think I fully appreciate just how lucky i am.


Happy Labour Day everyone.

TL note: itā€™s an american holiday