Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


So… starting the whole process for bottom surgery! :dancer:



Jeeze. Shutdowns everywhere and the influx of employees to other Yahoo divisions in the process can’t be helpful.


Yahoo was a bad idea from the start. Why would you manually curate the internet instead of letting a computer do it for you? Google had it right then and they are still on track. Acquiring new companies and letting them keep their own branding might have been a better solution than trying to bring everything under the Yahoo umbrella.


I don’t normally pay attention to the internal politics of other nations but you guys should stay! What are you doing!




Snopes says fake, thank god. It did seem fake but the problem is there’s enough doubt that it’s hard to be sure it isn’t actually real.


The “we’ll deliver it” part is where it is an automatic fake.


Again, there’s enough of a possibility that it could actually be real that you can’t just be sure it’s fake.


In that the NRA are fanatical, petty, heartless bastards? Sure. Always in the realm of possibility. Their organization is wealthy.



met Bruno Alves today, national team player, dude is a fucking tower holy shit

super nice too


Nearly kicked Harry Kane’s head off a month ago.


I want to sell my MacBook Pro. But fuck, it’s a mess to sell something like this. I hate dealing with the Internet sometimes.


Can’t you sell it to someone you know in person?


No one around here is interested. Everyone is cheap. :slight_smile:


Hiya guys, I hope you have been doing alright. Things have been good lately.

It feels good to make a German test and get a 9,8. Our grades get rounded off, so I have a 10 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: That’s a great way to end things with a bang. This was my last test.

I have my graduation project left for the next semester. I already found a company to work with, so things are going smoothly on that front.


RIP John


Love that show, glad to have more!


glad you are just finding out now instead of a year ago