Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind



I want these shoes. They are classy, yet stylish, and apparently comfortable.


I had a pair of Doc Marten boots that lasted me for years. I miss them.


Hiya everyone :blush: How are you all doing?

Gooshā€¦it has been almost 5 months?!


Uhh well, Iā€™m wondering if my Dad might be dying and America just suffered the worst mass shooting sinceā€¦ever. Yeah.


And itā€™s my birthday. What a day to be alive!

Sorry to hear @DG_Nick.


Iā€™ve read the news about the mass shooting. Iā€™m sorry to hear about your father. Does he have a disease or is it age? Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t feel like talking about it.


Happy birthday chapel!


Another happy birthday @chapel

Remember my internship guys? Iā€™m almost done with it. Thursday should be my last day. It was quite the experience to say the very least.

All I have left is one test around July and my graduation project on the next semester (Sep-Feb), then I should be finally done with college life and ready to start a new life. Iā€™m also planning on getting my driverā€™s licence in the Summer.


What are your plans once youā€™re done with the graduation project? Have you started looking up potential future employers?


Try to see if you can get hired by the company youā€™re interning with since you already have a relationship with them.


Yo @RpgN.


Spanish sucks.

Iā€™m so terrible at learning languages.


Have you tried any other foreign language? Spanish is the easiest language that I have studied, not counting auxiliary languages like Interlingua.


There are no definitive plans yet. Itā€™s possible that I might work at the company where Iā€™m going to prepare my graduation project for, but I still need to work with them and see if theyā€™re suitable first.

I would rather try out other companies before thinking about working with this company. They have their pros and cons, I want to see if there are better options out there.

I have been thinking a lot about the path I want to take. What kind of function Iā€™m going to fill, which companies I want to seek etc. It hasnā€™t been easy since Iā€™m still developing and trying to decide what to focus on to further develop my strongest skills. The only thing I am clear about is the following: I want to further develop my language competencies (Arabic, English, Dutch, German, Japanese and Spanish) along with my intercultural/cultural experience, management, business focused and analytical competencies. Ideally, I want to work with an international orientated company where I get to use those languages, keep relationship between different companies/branches/clients/customers/etc. with different cultures and be able to become a manager with a certain function that has to do with the previously mentioned competencies. Iā€™m not very experienced with knowing about the jobs that are available and how you can define a job in mind. Iā€™m open to suggestions if you guys have any.

Yo Leo! How have you been?

Arch is right, Spanish is considered to be one of the easiest languages. I have also experienced this myself. Are you learning traditional Spanish or South American Spanish?


Good. Still trucking on in school. I reckon I have 2-3 more years to go before I get my engineering degree.


Japanese. And I agree, Spanish is so much easier than that. But Iā€™m terrible at memorization and both the vocabulary and the tense switching fucks me up.

Granted, I only have a few more weeks left. As long as I make a C, Iā€™m golden.

Iā€™ll be done with my undergrad. :slight_smile:


This morning I saw a guy ā€œshavingā€ with a lit match inside a train. Weird.



What an attitude! This woman is on fireā€¦

But this video did bring up a good point. Why are are Americans so difficult when it comes to prohibiting guns or at least certain gun types to citizens? I 've read so many reports where Obama tried to do that only to be stopped by the congress (Republicans).


A fortressed gun culture has arisen around the preservation of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.:

  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

A healthy fear against the rise of a government thatā€™s not checked by the people it governs continues to this day in the United States. The right to bear arms (whatever that means exactly is still being debated) is something a lot of gun nuts feel strongly about, to the point that politicians continue to stress gun rights in legislation in order to maintain their offices with those votes.