Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


2 Years later, and Mr.Robot is still the best show on TV.


agreed tho I’m digging the two eps of Quarry that have aired


It really is, though.

Take note, Walking Dead.

That’s how you make a good season finale.


fuck this shit let´s just watch the proper one again



free ms office because of college, feel like a grown up already


They grow up so fast! :cry:

How is college?


Snag a free copy of Windows if you can. I’m still using the two free licenses I got of Windows 7.


well i learned about pascal and von neumman and their contributions to computing and that’s basically it really, schools started late and the whole thing is still being built up so, like, no computers in place and stuff like that and i can only imagine how little the photography peeps are doing this week

otherwise, i am old, they are young (i don’t think anyone’s picked up on it yet), we have a student from Kazakhstan which is really cool


I’m in the same situation, man. Don’t feel like you’re marginalized in that regard. I mean, in the greater context, on a global level, there are many people who have started college later in life, especially in this day and age where the traditional life plan of going to college at 16/17, starting your career at 20/21, then having a family afterwards doesn’t apply. Those days are long gone. The fucked up economy has guaranteed that. Shit happens in your personal life that prevent you from going to college the “expected way”, however, you and I have an advantage that many young students don’t, and that is that we have started college at a time in our lives where we are taking it seriously and not ignoring schoolwork and going out partying.


I’m 25, surrounded by all these kids fresh out of highschool. Nobody realizes unless I tell them #babyfaceontheoutside #deadontheinside #jkundeadontheinside


Babyface in the streets, dead in the sheets


the age difference is fine, the worst really is the weight of the time investment and thinking that i’ll enter the market much older than most of them, and it’s like most didn’t even know what a floppy is, or how magnetic tape works

on the other hand i feel like i have much more diligence and i know how to learn things a lot better too, plus all the stuff i learned over the years



Halal in the street.
Haraam in the sheets


learned about typography today and it’s like everything in the world suddenly got more interesting, like now i have a new way to understand things

great feeling


Are you following a graphic design course?


i have a “fundamental design” class


I’m 26 surrounded by babies now. Still nobody realizes!


It is infuriating being sent a used iPhone as a replacement and the one they sent me is defective, at that. I would rather they discount $100 off for a new iPhone 6 Plus for my inconvenience and I’d just pay the remainder of the cost. As a side note, I hate owning used phones.