Blackguards has some flaws but I’m really enjoying it. You have to accept that the universe is different from other fantasy games and limit yourself to builds that are feasible. There are no random encounters and if you aren’t careful with point allocation then it can quickly become unplayable. Money is also very limited which means that you won’t be able to buy new equipment for all your characters. I restarted the game on easy since I’ve heard that there is a huge difficulty spike in the final chapter. The extra skill points will allow me some margin for making weaker hybrid classes.
What are y'all playing? ver 2.0
arch every day you spend playing these shitehouse games and not playing Witcher 3 lowers my opinion of you a little further. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
I’m currently playing three RPGs and I also installed New Vegas this weekend. I’ll get to The Witcher 3 in the far future.
I haven’t played it yet and I definitely wouldn’t pay $20 for it considering the quality of the first three games. They recycle both art assets and the combat system so I’m expecting it to be largely the same as the others.
I just experience some of that fabled TW3 long term choice influence. It was a bit weird actually. At Crossroads, i didn’t kill the dudes inside the inn because i didn’t want any trouble. But outside, the men were really just stealing and grabbing everything they could. I thought they were bandits or mercenaries or something, so i just killed them thinking that they were no one important. Well turns out they were the Baron’s men! But thinking about it now, i’m surprised that i activated the choice trigger at all. I would have expected that not killing the men inside the inn would be enough not to activate the choice of “slaughtered the Baron’s men at Crossroads”, but maybe they thought people would strike up a fight once outside the inn?
I like it so far. I think i’ll have to learn Gwent one day though. I suck at it.
I also noticed that Geralt seems to immediately distrust humans much more than monsters, which is telling i suppose. With monsters distrust is often a choice of dialogue, but with humans he actively acts coyly and openly distrustful without player provocation. Maybe i’m seeing things though.
Magic Duels is now available on the iOS App Store. This year it is F2P and supposedly more open than ever. So far I’ve only been playing tutorials and a very simple story mode so I can’t really tell if it’s good or not.
Finished The Fall. I knew it was short, but it only took me three and a half hours to finish it… dang. Still pretty good. Excited for the sequel.
Unlocking boosters is also going to be hard work. The AI is really easy to defeat, as with their previous games, but you need 10 victories for each booster pack.
Daily quests seem to pay a bit better, but it will still take forever to get a really competitive deck. I haven’t tried playing against other humans yet. Maybe that’s where the money is.
Bought Rune Factory 4! Haven’t played a lot so i don’t really understand all that much, but it’s very fun so far. The writing is actually pretty good, very fun to read, and there’s a lot of text to read! Characters seems to have something new to say every day. It’s a nice contrast to TW3.
I haven’t tried that series yet, but I imagine it is a perfect fit for a portable device.
Eh. I could really really use a N3DS. I’m starting to become very jealous of the better and bigger screen…
It’s really niiiiiiiiiice
The thumb thing is really useful, too. Couldn’t image playing monster hunter without it
The size of the 3DS XL is pretty good. I almost bought a N3DSXL when it came out but then I decided to wait for more exclusives.
You Europeans are lucky to have gotten the regular N3DS. They still increased the screen size by a bit compared to the 3DS screen size, and of course it’s even larger on the N3DSXL. I think the N3DS would’ve been the perfect screen size, but alas, NoA hates Americans.
I’ve still been tempted to purchase a Japanese N3DS and go translation happy for practice.