Random Talk | Say whatever's on your mind


Dat shiny


aww, conga rats dudes


Wow you guys congrats :smiley:


Congrats to you both. :slight_smile:


Yes, I made it!

Congrats :slight_smile:




Happy new year indeed.


Congrats @chapel and @Chimera!


I also extend my warmest congratulations to you two.

And wait up, you work at Fitbit now? I should come back more often :sweat:




It’s @Jibril!

Sup man


I worked for Pebble and now at Fitbit.


Amazing chap!
How’s it going Leo.


Congrats Chapel & Chimera. Bless.


studied the wrong pdf



Way to go Einstein.


“8 DAYS LATER” is perf


Been there, failed that


Own that shit and be like “that is the correct pdf”


Hahaha :joy: Oh John…you poor thing.

Speaking of studying and college life…if everything goes according to plan (and if I work my ass off the next 3 days), I might graduate at the end of January :grinning: