Playing Infamous: Second Son… it’s a lot of fun! I’ve always liked the platforming in Infamous, very light and what little predictive pathing there is is, well, predictive enough to work with it. the game is gorgeous! Really beautiful, with very nice color tones and particle effects. Smoke powers in particular look pretty amazing. I’m liking it a lot. There’s a bravado and naivité to the characters which makes it all very charming, if a little comical considering the themes at play. Plus Rise is now a pink haired little super woman shooting lasers out of her hands. That’s pretty cool.
What are y'all playing? ver 2.0
I installed Drop7 (iPhone) for the first time this week and it’s a great puzzle game. It got old fast, so it doesn’t compare well with the classics. That being said, it was great fun for the first couple of hours.
I’m only in the very beginning of Anno 2205 (PC). I started up in a temperate region and my first tasks are all about getting more people to move in and try to keep them satisfied. Next up is building a space elevator.
The Room Three (iPad) was released yesterday and it’s as awesome as the first two game. By far the best series available for tablets.
I got a bad ending in The Room Three. In the first game there weren’t alternative outcomes. Now I have to go back and see if I can change my fate.
I got a second ending and I this one was more positive. Hints are disabled once you have unlocked the first bad ending which makes the game more challenging. Now I have solved all the puzzles I have found so I guess I have to roam around for a while to see if I can find anything else.
A lot of things is going on in Dragon Fin Soup (PS4), but I think I might like this once I figure everything out.
man, Ys I and II are still so amazing on so man levels, clever design through and through
they feel like something designed by a time traveler from the early 90’s
playing Heart of Stone, it’s way bigger than i was expecting! it’s pretty good too, more witcher i guess
I’m back to playing Child of Light. Having a party size of 2 feels needlessly restrictive, but at least I’m getting used to switching in new party members depending on the enemies’ weaknesses.
pretty dumb for the witcher not to realize that i’m already a committed man!! how is that not an obvious conversation thing when talking to new romance options
I remember smashing the back doors off that Nilfgaardian spy even though I was committed to Yen. Great times. I actually quite liked that it didn’t come back to haunt me, which is what most RPGs would contrive to do.
it seems inadequate that a game preoccupied with giving Geralt the elasticity to friendzone his potential girlfriends would not allow you to wear your romantic commitments on your sleeves, as it were, while doing just that, even more so when that’s the case with almost every other conflict in the game
i mean, when you’re basically given the choice of “i’d have sex with a random women” and “i wouldn’t, i’d rather have sex with you” and nothing else, the absence of “i’m already committed” when that’s a very likely position for the player to be in this far in the story is quite loud and obvious
are you the lady on the front?
btw do they explain how the soldiers activate the thrusters? or do they just use their brain power
There is a new expansion out for Magic Duels. The campaign is only five games, but it was fun to try out some new cards.
Apparently I’m the worst engineer ever, but I’m still having fun building bridges in Bridge Constructor: Medieval (PC).